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CaffeineC v2

The first major update to CaffeineC

Breaking changes


Each CaffeineC file now has to start with the a the package name declaration.

package somename;

Most notable upgrades

Fully working auto-install scripts

For MacOS and Linux systems you can use this simple command to install CaffeineC and any tools it might need:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vyPal/CaffeineC/master/install.bash | bash

For Windows, you can use this powershell script:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vyPal/CaffeineC/master/install.ps1'))

LLC and GCC swapped out for clang

The original versions of CaffeineC used the llc command from the llvm toolchain to compile llvm intermediate representation (LLVM-IR) to a object file, which was then linked by gcc. This approach worked well on linux, but wasnt ideal on windows, because llc had to be bundled with the compiler which took up a lot of storage. In v2.0.9 llc and gcc were replace by clang on windows only. In v2.0.11 clang adopted on linux and mcos as well.


While not fully functional yet, CaffeineC now supports its own projects to more easily manage larger codebases. You can initialize a new project by running CaffeineC init prjectname which will create a new direcotry and some example files in it.

MacOS builds

The GitHub Actions workflow that is used to build the linux and windows binaries also now builds a macos binary file, which can be installed using the same bash script as is used for linux.


CaffeineC now supports easy importing of functions and classes from other CaffeineC files. For a function or class to be able to be imported from another file, you must prefix the decleration with the export keyword. This does not make any change in the functionality of the code. Then from another file you can use the import statement whith the relative or absolute path to the package.